Minggu, 16 September 2012


This is what happen when I fall in love to an actor. I don't care what kind of movie, I'll just watch it. Haha..no..not really. I fell to Nick Stahl 10 years ago, I didnt watch all his movie. I also fell to James McAvoy but still dont have the will to watch Atonement or Band of Brothers. Jeremy Renner is different. He made me want to look and watch his movies. I hate war movie. Guess what? Now I have one in my DVD shelf and it called "The Hurt Locker". I never want to watch S.W.A.T, coz I hate Colin Farrell. But then I think again, "Hey, I dont have to watch Mr Farrell!". Dont ask about Mission Imposible, because it's almost imposible for me to watch that movie. Until now, coz guess again.. Ya! Jeremy Renner! =)
I've never watchd Bourne, I dont even like the trailer. Now I even buy an expensive movie megazine with Aaron Cross on the cover. Ya.. I know.. I'm crazy about him, just like the other girls in the world. And I dont know why. He's not so handsome. He has an evil face, he mostly played as the bad guy, insane or someone soul-less. I tell ya, it starts with "The Avengers"..
Waktu itu, tiba-tiba ada teman ngajak nonton The Avengers. Jujur, hidup di kota besar malah bikin saya kuper. Saya nggak tahu film-film baru. But then ya.. I went to watch Avengers. Padahal saya nggak tahu itu film apa. Peduli amat, dibayari ini.. hehe.. Sementara dia beli tiket, saya nunggu di depan posternya. Ooo.. ternyata film superheroes. Lumayan lah, ada Captain America - berarti ada Chris Evans yang bakal menjaga mata saya tetep melek. Tapi ternyata setelah nonton itu, saya malah nyari film-film Jeremy Renner..=)
So, his new movie - The Bourne Legacy - Bourne tanpa Bourne. Saya beli majalah seharga 41000 biar ngerti kalo ntar nonton tanpa nonton film-film Bourne sebelumnya. Setelah yakin saya bakal ngerti film itu, berangkatlah ke 21 bersama salah satu Kliwon yang pasrah aja saya ajak. Dan di sanalah saya, duduk di bangku terbaik, nongkrongin Jeremy Renner di wide screen.
Gotta tell you all.. This is a serious movie. Action and serious - a kind of movie that I hate. Sekali lagi, saya nonton ini karena ada Jeremy. Saya dan Peyek sering ngakak di saat yang lain nonton dengan serius. Kenapa ngakak? Pertama, kami sama-sama nggak ngerti variabel terikat film ini. Maksudnya, dia lari dari orang yang mau bunuh dia. Emangnya kalo dia dan ilmuwan itu mati kenapa? Apa negara akan runtuh? Kedua, saya pernah beberapa kali lihat cuplikan adegan film-film Bourne sebelumnya. Matt Damon lari-lari di gedung-gedung tinggi. Nah ini, lari-lari di atap daerah kumuh Manila yang pake atap asbes atau seng kaya di Indonesia. Ampun dah.. Ketiga, I wish Joe Taslim atau Donny Alamsyah yang jadi LARX, dan I wish film ini ambil setting di Indonesia.. huhu..
Tapi terbayarlah 25000 saya dengan akting OK Jeremy dan Rachel Weisz. Finally he gets the girl, karena di film-film BOX OFFICE Jeremy yang laen dia sering nggak dapet cewek. Di Avengers ada Scarlett Jo sii.. tapi malah dihajar.. Oh ya..SPOILER ALERT! No kissing or sex scene.. Horraayyy!!! =)
He's 41, he's cute, sweet and he can sing..Cant wait 4 Hansel and Gretel.. <3 p="p">

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