Minggu, 29 Juli 2012


Girls, do you check your back side everyday in the mirror? Do you feel guilty for having fat bottom? Well, don't be.. Coz boys today would love to date fat bottomed girl. Even Phillip Phillips..=)
I ride a motorcycle everyday, everywhere. One day, I got stuck in a traffic jam, and in front of me, there was a couple riding a very cool motorcycle. You know, a motorcycle that should've been in Gotham City, not here, in this small city. It really attract some attention. Not only the motorcycle, but also the girl who sat behind. I couldn't see her face, but from back there, she was aa..mm. I don't know how to say this. She's not so fat, and not skinny either. She's sexy in sort of way. Some people will say that she's sexy, and some would say she's "too confident". She wore full pressed body t-shirt and jeans. For me as a woman, it's kinda disturbing too see fats under that t-shirt and jeans. The fat were on her waist, thigh, arm and belly (see what I'm talking about?). I think, she's a little too fat to wear that full pressed body t-shirt.
My first question that time was, "Why does this cool boy date a fat girl?". Though I don't know how cool he is, I can't see his face, all I can see is his motor cycle, and it's super cool! And that's enough for me to make a conclusion.. =P
There are so many sexier girls out there who will look better on the back of that "Dark Knight" ride.
And then this "too confident" tought passed in my mind. "I'd look better than her in that back seat.."..=P
I mean, I don't have the fats, my belly is flat. But then I remember.. "Wait a minute, my belly isn't the only part in me that is flat..". Haha! Yaa.. and this tought made me smile by myself in the middle of a traffic jam. That's right, he wouldn't date me. I'm flat all the way.. My belly is flat, my chest is flat, my ass is flat, even my face expression is flat.. =D
Haha! For you fat bottomed girls everywhere, don't be afraid that boys will never like you. Boys today love fat bottomed girls.. =)

Minggu, 01 Juli 2012


My favourite snack is a simple blueberry donuts. Well, it's not a snack. If I eat it as snack, then I'll be so fat.. =P 
Mungkin karena gula halus yang menyelimutinya, mungkin juga karena selai blueberry lembut yang meleleh di mulut, atau adonan pas donat yang mengikuti alun kunyahan.. Rasa manis dan sedikit bitter dari blueberry bercampur dalam mulut. Selai blueberry menyembul keluar diantara lapisan donat setelah digigit.. Hmmm...membayangkannya membuat saya ingin segera ke toko kue setelah ini..
 Saya gak pernah bikin sendiri.. Selalu beli..hehe.. Mungkin nanti saya akan bikin. Barusan nemu resep dari www.rekarasa.com:
Bahan-bahannya seperti berikut :
  • 200 gram tepung protein tinggi, yang siap beli.
  • 50 gram tepung protein sedang, yang siap bali.
  • 30 gram margarin.
  • 25 gram gula pasir.
  • 1 butir telur ayam kampung.
  • 5 gram fermipan.
  • 125 ml air putih matang.
  • 500 ml minyak goreng.
Bahan Isi Donatnya :
  • 100 gram selai blueberry, yang siap beli.
Cara Membuat :
  • Campur tepung, telur, gula pasir dan fermipan.
  • Setelah itu tuangkan air sedikit demi sedikit sambil diuleni hingga kalis.
  • Kemudian tambahkan margarin dan uleni lagi hingga kalis. Lalu tutup adonan dengan kain yang telah dibasahi dan diamkan adonan selama kurang lebih 30 menit.
  • Kempiskan adonan, lalu timbang seberat 15 gram dan kemudian bulatkan. Diamkan lagi selama 10 menit.
  • Ambil 1 adonan, lalu pipihkan dan beri isi selai blueberry secukupnya. Bulatkan dan kemudian diamkan lagi selama 10 menit.
  • Panaskan minyak goreng, kemudian goreng donat hingga matang. Lalu angkat dan tiriskan.
  • Sajikan.
Minggu depan pulang harus dicoba.. =)


Ya ampuunn.. udah menjelang 39 tahun bukannya buat sesuatu yang berguna, malah marathon drakor.. haha.. Emang lebih oke nonton review di You...