Senin, 19 Mei 2014


Susah kalau suka menghabiskan kuota internet untuk sesuatu yang nggak begitu penting. Seperti saya.. hehe..
Beli pulsa modem mahal, habis dipake donlod film-film horor Asia, nonton video-video kucing atau interview, behind the scene, bloopers, video klip band-band 90's. Nyari materi cuma jadi kegiatan di sela-sela itu semua. Haha!
Wasting time..Bukan using time..
Sometimes I think about unimportant things. Kalau kata "Janji Joni" - 7 dari 10 orang yang lo temui, pasti mengaku pecinta film, dan kalau lo mendekat mereka, lo hampir bisa mendengar mereka berpikir tentang film. Saya adalah satu dari 7 orang itu. Walaupun film yang saya tonton nggak jelas juga. Banyak film yang menurut kritikus sangat bagus, menurut saya sulit dimengerti. Hampir semua orang suka nonton The Matrix trilogy, saya ngantuk di 10 menit awal. 
So, James Bond.. He will die someday, right? HIV will kill him, i guess..
Leonardo DiCaprio played in hundreds of great movies. Titanic is the one and only movie I watched, with him in it..
Everytime I watch movies with beautiful actress, I went, "Look at their skin.. so smooth.. Their hair are so shiny.. Did they cut their own nails like common people?"
Jessica Biehl and Jennifer Garner shows up, "Look at their body.. What should I do to look like that? And Jennifer Garner, isn't she a sweetheart? I can't believe she played Electra with that sweet mommy face.."
Did I tell you that I fall in love with Sebastian Stan? I guess I did.. I made this meme:

I posted the first one at 9gag, and try send the 2nd one to Sebastian Stan's instagram (@imsebastianstan) but still can't figure out how to upload it without cropping.
He's such a great actor, good acting skill (educated in it), start from broadway, which is not easy.. I mean, actors can't messed up in a broadway play, they have to be perfect in every shot. And off course.. he's absolutely cute.. 
I've (being honest) downloaded his movies.. Well, I live so far away from town, and I can't afford to buy online DVD, so leave me alone. I'll buy the original when I have the money.. =P
Political Animal, Kings, Once Upon A Time, Red Door, The Architect, Apparition, Spread, The Covenant, Education of Charlie Banks. I even spent about 90minutes watching Black Swan and Rachel Getting Married, waiting for his 5 minutes appearance.
The gay thing really bothers me.. But that's great also.. Because not every actor can play as a gay, but stil date hot babes and have no problem taking bromance picts

2 komentar:

  1. hi country-neighbour hehehehe
    I LOVE your "who the hell's HYDRA" meme hahahahahaha!!!!
    p/s I love seb too heh



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